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sharepa Talks with Ticketing Professional Shah-­Zeib Ahmed

This is the first episode of our new series "sharepa Talks: Exploring the Future of Sports and Ticketing". We invited Shah-­Zeib Ahmed, an experienced business, commercial, mega-­events, project and account management professional, with strong industry-relevant academic background and a track record of delivering projects across the globe. In this interview, the renowned ticketing expert dives...

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Explore the functionalities of sharepa

With the newly launched you can now experience firsthand what sharepa is capable of. keyper FC is a fictive football club that is using the full scale of sharepa’s application possibilities to improve processes in various areas. On You can step into the role of a keyper FC employee and start distributing ticket...

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Upgrade your Ticket Delivery and Management with sharepa

sharepa empowers sports organizations to reduce workload and elevate the experience of fans, sponsors and other major stakeholders.  The "last mile" is well-known in logistics. While the route of goods before the last mile is quite simple, straightforward and possible in large quantities, it becomes complex, expensive and very fragmented at the end.  This challenge...

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