How to make VIP ticket management more convenient for companies

Whether it's 5 VIP tickets for a football club or 250 for 20 different sports organisations, sharepa simplifies the ticket management process for sponsoring companies and makes it easier and more convenient.

Just recently we met a former sales representative of Real Madrid at an event. He sold boxes at the Bernabeu stadium, mainly to international companies.

At the start of each season, the companies sponsoring Real Madrid received a beautifully branded box containing all the tickets for the season, in paper form. A real collector's item - but not very practical. If the company wanted to invite someone, the tickets had to be sent or at least physically handed over. If the guest was ultimately unable to come, the club had to be contacted - cancelling the old ticket and issuing a new one.

sharepa simplifies this process considerably. For the club, but above all for the sponsor. In addition to the ticket box as a collector's item, the club also hands over the tickets digitally to the sponsor. And the sponsor can manage all their tickets in their own sharepa platform. Passing on, returning, passing on again - all in a few moments, with little effort and no need for the club to intervene.

This self-service option for the sponsor makes using the tickets much more convenient and reduces the workload for the club enormously. Especially for companies that have to handle several sponsorships, the ability to manage all ticket contingents on one platform is extremely valuable.

But even with just one sponsorship with a handful of VIP tickets, which are regularly passed on to a wide variety of (potential) customers and employees, sharepa increases convenience and ensures that the tickets are used with added value.

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